Thursday, 23 February 2012

Technology Today

There is so many things that we use technology for these days and everywhere we look we are surrounded by it. 

We use technology for everything and theres becoming more and more new things everyday. Even when you watch tv, the tv is technology anyway but then there loads of adverts trying to make us buy other technology. Watching music videos is the same a lot of artist's have become obsessed with the sci-fi kind of theme and using a lot of stuff like that in there videos, even dressing like robots/aliens. We are starting to use technology so much that its becoming part of us and we're becoming technology are selves. We also judge people by technology not only judging them by wether its the best technology they have but also for example judging people over social network sites by what they see on there. Another thing that I find quite scary is that these days machines and becoming more human and humans are becoming more machine like. There is a lot of machines now that have voices and can talk and that you can also ask questions and they answer you like siri on the iphone, people are also making robots to look more human so that they are disguised in a human body to maybe make us feel more comfortable around them. Whereas human are becoming more like machines by being like clones and copying each other and becoming into a routine where they have to make technology a big part of there lives that they have to have and rely on. And I think we have to think to ourselves...
 Do we really need technology this much, are we benefiting from it or turning into cyborgs ourselves?

Thinking about this question another thing I have come across is cyborg tattoos. This makes me think how people are so obsessed with technology that they want to look like cyborgs themselves or is this how they think people will be like in the future? 

Is this what these people wish they looked like or is there a deeper meaning or statement there trying to put across? 

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